Friday, June 2, 2017

Notes On Natural Arthritis Pain Relief For Dogs

By Linda Barnes

Arthritis is basically one of those conditions which can affect your dog. Research has shown that the condition can be as a result of different factors injury being one of them. Just like humans, dogs suffer from acute or chronic pains which may be due to injury or trauma. As the dog ages, they may suffer from degenerative joint agony and osteoarthritis. Though these complications can be treated using anti-inflammatory drugs, these medications are known to cause adverse effects. However, before trying the natural remedies, you should also understand that these treatments may take longer to show improvements. The following are some of the natural arthritis pain relief for dogs.

Vitamin C is known for its amazing natural benefits it offers to the bones. The vitamin is the one that helps promote healthy bone. Since arthritis results due to deterioration of the cartilage of the joint, supplementing your dog with vitamin C will contribute to making the bones stronger and aid in the recovery process.

Yucca is another natural remedy which is recommended for pain relief during arthritic conditions. The herb is frequently found in warm areas like North America. This fantastic shrub is rich in saponin. Saponin is biologically known for its anti-inflammatory action it offers to the body. It helps the body to produce its corticosteroid and corticosteroids related hormones.

The herb is known to offer significant benefits for ache relieve and as an excellent remedy for treating arthritis. Yucca is known to cause digestive system irritation and at times can lead to vomiting especially when taken for long periods. Giving your dog 2 days break every week can help reduce these effects. In case you notice any adverse consequences after giving the herb, discontinue and seek consultation from a professional veterinary.

Massage is another natural remedy for pain relief. If you suspect that your pet is suffering from joint pain, chiropractic adjustments and massage can do well to your pet. Massage helps relax the muscles around the joints and reduce inflammation while chiropractic adjustments lower back pains.

Licorice is another effective natural remedy for inflammation. Licorice belongs to the pea family, and its roots are known for its medicinal value. Licorice is rich in glycyrrhizin which is known to boost the effectiveness of the herb. Similar to the chemical structure in corticosteroids, Glycyrrhizin does not have any side effects to the immune system. Many studies have reported that Licorice is an effective and fast-acting anti-inflammatory agent making it ideal for treatment of arthritis in dogs.

Another natural arthritis treatment is turmeric. Unlike ginger and cayenne which best works when in tropical form, turmeric herb best works when taken orally with food. Comparable to cortisone, Turmeric is a culinary herb which has anti-inflammatory properties. The herb is safe when fed orally to dogs. To use turmeric as a pain relief, sprinkle the dried herb on your dog food each time. You will notice significant improvements after few days.

Some of these natural arthritis pain reliefs for dogs may not work well for chronic conditions. Though they are known to offer pain relieving properties, some of them may not apply for nursing, pregnant or diabetic dogs. Always take caution and discontinue the remedy in case your dog responds negatively to the treatment.

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