Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Hormone Replacement Therapy Jacksonville FL Experts Provide Helps Manage Menopausal Anxiety

By Carol Campbell

There are so many startling changes that can take happen due to menopause. During such phase in her life, it's not unlikely for a woman to suffer from anxiety. The presence of this problem can actually exacerbate various menopausal symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, heart palpitations, hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia. The good news is there are various ways to deal with menopausal anxiety. One of those is via hormone replacement therapy Jacksonville FL experts offer.

Mental health authorities say that women are more likely to have anxiety than men. This is exactly the reason why a woman's chance of developing the said mental condition is considerably high during the menopausal phase. Significant hormonal shifting going on inside her is the one responsible for it. According to experts, the various unusual and often annoying menopausal symptoms can also contribute to anxiety development.

Suffering from anxiety can be a life altering experience. You may find it difficult to have a smooth sailing day if your mind is constantly flooded with anxious thoughts. Making everything even more exasperating is the fact that there are also various other menopausal symptoms that you have to put up with daily.

If truth be told, anxiety is capable of exacerbating the already distressing symptoms of being in the menopausal phase. It's not unlikely for a menopausal woman to encounter hot flashes often. Having anxiety can in fact worsen the severity of hot flashes. It's possible for it to increase their frequency, too.

Similarly, symptoms related to being in the menopausal stage can aggravate your anxiety. For instance, heart palpitations that hot flushes tend to bring can leave you feeling anxious. It's true that heart palpitations are harmless most of the time. When your anxious mind associates them to a heart attack, things are completely different. The truth is majority of those who step foot inside the emergency room due to heart palpitations are not having a heart attack but only a panic attack, which is an intense anxiety attack.

The good news is menopausal anxiety tends to be mild to moderate only. It means that such can be managed with the help of some all natural solutions. For instance, taking slow and deep breaths can help dispel anxious thoughts as well as considerably reduce the physical symptoms. On a daily basis, the affected woman may perform meditation or do yoga.

Monitoring the diet each time is a step that may also be taken. Anxiety can be aggravated by caffeinated beverages, and that's why their intake should be avoided. Junk and processed foods should be dodged as the chemicals in them can worsen hormonal shifting. According to mental health authorities, it's a good idea for an affected woman to consume foods that are loaded with healthy fats, magnesium, potassium and vitamin D as these nutrients can help in having the mood stabilized.

Also recommended is the so called hormone replacement therapy or HRT. It helps in managing anxiety as it reestablishes proper hormonal balance. Women who are suffering from severe menopausal anxiety, however, should meet with mental health authorities. According to the experts, anxiety is problem that can be managed rather easily via what's referred to as cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT.

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