Monday, April 8, 2019

Trendy Hijabi With Muslim Women Eye Makeup

By Marie Smith

It is 2019 already and the topic of makeup is one that has not left our daily conversations as it keeps on trending years after years with better techniques and advanced beauty products. Makeup has been applied for a very long time and its an art best associated with the Egyptians during the ancient times. Muslim Women Eye makeup is an original craft inspired by many cultures and techniques over time.

We have all heard the phrase that the eyes are the window to the soul and adding a little more spice to the view brings out pure perfection and an even better view. Application of face lift is a craft that can come out naturally or can be learned in the numerous beauty schools that are everywhere today ranging from YouTube tutorials, written blogs and basically every social media platform there is.

In the Muslim world application of face lift is not one of the most welcomed concepts but in the recent past it has become a norm and is now widely used and appreciated. It is even better as they do it with quite a dramatic approach that is heavy and they add more spice to it by matching the colour of their hijabs with the colour of their eye shadow.

There are very many eye face lift products that are used to acquire that perfect look you see rocked by women wearing face lift. Although this craft has Egyptian origin, it has a lot of Arabic influence in it and sees a number of products used together. The eyeliner is used in the eyelids and on top of it eye shadow is applied.

Now lets look into how this face lift is actually applied to reach such a well-defined result that is famously known as the Middle Eastern look that many beauty gurus are very fascinated by. This is an exotic especially if the one accessorizing of it can complement it with belly dancing. The number one rule is to not shy from using as much face lift as you can to achieve the look.

It is time to perfect on the eyebrows and here you draw a wing shaped like a look using your brown eye pencil. You do not use the darker eye pencil as the results can be quite overly dark and do not march with your skin tone and become quite hard to blend.

Bring out the shape of your eyes using an eye pencil of a darker shade this will be applied on the eye shadow and extend the wing a little more past the eye end. Make a wing shape of the eyebrows with your brown eye pencil and fill in all the shape.

The look is finished by applying an extra layer of dark color eye pencil and some also go the look on the top eyelid. There will never be a wrong look when one applies their face lift well and follow the outlined steps well.

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