Monday, August 5, 2019

Reputable Albuquerque Therapist Outlines The Symptoms Displayed By Suicidal Teens

By Robert Hughes

No parent wants to imagine that their kid is capable of committing suicide. The sad reality however is that millions of teens take away their lives with each passing year. It is hence in your best interests to know about the warning signs that you should be wary about. Teens can think about taking away their lives because of numerous reasons and parents are not always to blame. If you notice more than two warning signs, you should immediately see an experienced Albuquerque therapist.

There are various red flags that you should be on the lookout for. The first and most obvious is worsening depression. For young people, school and even peer pressure can bring about all sorts of challenges. When the emotional baggage becomes too much to bear, the teen will fall into chronic hopelessness and sadness. Seeking treatment for these symptoms will be important. Additionally, you want to get educated on how to provide the required support.

Research shows that four in five suicidal teens will make it known that they no longer want to live. They will therefore get obsessed by death and will even find out about the different methods they could use to kill themselves. This would be a clear indication of their mental instability. Seeking mental health therapy could again ensure that your child does not harm him or herself.

You also have reason to raise an eyebrow if you notice risky behavior. If a child who once performed well in school is now scoring bad grades or if he or she is acting out of character, the need to seek counseling should not be underestimated. Some suicidal teens will even engage in self-destructive actions such as promiscuous sex, drug abuse or even reckless driving. This would show that their emotional wellness is in question.

If your teen is charged with driving under the influence, this is not an automatic indication that he or she wants to commit suicide. While this may be the case, you should not turn a blind eye, especially if you notice a series of reckless behaviors. A qualified and proficient therapist can help find ways to enhance the emotional well-being of your little one.

It is not normal for someone to suddenly lose interest in all beloved activities. If your kid no longer wants to go for dance lessons, this may not necessarily be a cause for alarm. You even so need to ask questions if the child in question has stopped participating in just about all beloved activities. Talking to your loved one would help them realize that they can always count on you.

In some instances, a teen planning to commit suicide will sell his or her possessions. The child in question could even give away certain favorite items. If you notice such a sign, you may want to ask questions and possibly even schedule for professional counseling.

The mental health of your child, just like his or her physical health, matters. There is no shame in admitting that something is amiss and quickly seeking the much needed mental health care. With the right assistance, it will not be long before your loved one recovers fully.

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